
To preserve and develop the unique Territorian Identity


To build a community of strong, proud and united Territorians in NT.

Brief History

The concept of an independent body providing services to the NT, not covered by larger Muslim centers, took shape in mid-2019. Driven by dedicated community volunteers, it became evident that essential services like chaplaincy to prisons and hospitals were vital expressions of Muslim values.

Thus, the formation of the United Muslims of Northern Territory Incorporated (UMNT Inc.) became necessary, placing a primary emphasis on uniting the diverse community while establishing a service-oriented identity.

The initial significant endeavor of the UMNT board was addressing the scarcity of Jumu’ah facilities in Darwin CBD. Through community efforts, UMNT established its first prayer and office facility in the heart of Darwin City, bolstering the Muslim identity. Over the ensuing years, UMNT experienced rapid growth, supported by various government-funded events and initiatives. Consequently, UMNT gained recognition for events focusing on leadership and identity development through multimedia and engaging activities like yearly camps.

This expansion allowed the board to establish a second prayer facility in Katherine, followed by a third in Woolner to inaugurate its NDIS branch. The Nisaa project emerged as UMNT's most significant ongoing initiative, enabling the retention of five dedicated staff members.

UMNT attributes all achievements to the grace of God and extends gratitude to the committed volunteers, sponsors, and supporters. Without their contributions, UMNT would have remained merely an idea.

Quality I Innovation I Inclusion I Respect I Collaboration |

Quality I Innovation I Inclusion I Respect I Collaboration |

Our Values

Our Logo

Our logo combines the best of the Northern Territory and reclaims its traditions with its roots.

The orange from the Stuart desert rose and the black representing the earth and its people, with its complex interplay, are represented by the circles that encompass all aspects of being.