Two Jumu’ah Service in Darwin CBD
UMNT has been a central figure in providing essential spiritual services to the Muslim community in the Darwin CBD for 5 years. The crucial Jumu’ah service it provides is utilized by hundreds of worshippers on a weekly basis catering for local residents, CBD workers or travellers to the Darwin CBD.
We have seen a rapid and steady growth of worshippers for Jumu’ah and regular prayers to the UMNT facility. In 2021, UMNT expanded the original Cavanagh office to include three neighbouring offices for Jumu’ah.
Prayer at Cavanagh Street Facility, 2019
However, in 2023, due to building regulations and standards, UMNT migrated its Jumu’ah service temporarily to the Oaks Elan Hotel for almost a year, funded in whole by the attendees. This was a tremendous milestone that demonstrated resilience and commitment of the community to their spiritual needs.
Oaks Elan Jumu’ah, 2023
In 2024, UMNT was granted approval to resume prayers at the Cavanagh Street facility. However, by this time the office’s footprint was deemed insufficient to accommodate the attendance for regular prayers and the Jumu’ah service. In March 2024 The decision was made to explore a larger space that would accommodate these numbers. In May 2024 UMNT migrated to Litchfield street which delivers much needed accessibility features not available at our previous facilities. This includes a dedicated toilet, office spaces on sperate floor and Musllah access from the ground floor.
Jumu’ah at Litchfield Street Facility, 2024
Currently, the Litchfield Street facility hosts regular Jumu’ah service. However, over the weeks it is now operating above capacity. This has presented new challenges and safety concerns to the attendees as safe entry and exit from the facility can be compromised. Crowding following prayers is of another concern that hinders access of local traffic on the street.
Over a 6 month period, UMNT have consulted with ANIC (Australian National Imams Council), local Imams, stakeholders and attendees for solutions. It was concluded that a two session Jumu’ah service is imperative as it is cost effective, easy to implement and a solution that is being implemented in other large scale prayer facilities across Australia.
Hence, the decision was made to commence this service at the earliest prior to Ramadan 2025. The two session Jumu’ah service service will commence on the:
17 January 2025
The session plan is detailed below. Please note as this is an evolving service, session times and durations may be subject to change, please look out on our website and social media pages for the latest times.
Session 1
1:05 PM - 1:25 PM
(15 min Khutbah + 5 min Salah) Total 20 min
(15 min Buffer)
Session 2
1:40 PM - 2:00 PM
(15 min Khutbah + 5 min Salah) Total 20 min
In order to accommodate for the multiple sessions, the UMNT team are already underway in developing a brand new 10 week Khateeb Training Program delivered by Imam Mohannad that includes theory and practical learning outcomes. More details to come in the coming weeks, follow the UMNT social media pages and website for more information.
As this is a new undertaking for the UMNT team, we humbly request the worshippers, stakeholders and the community for your support and prayers. We pray that Allah (SWT) allows for this service be filled with barakah and ease the challenges ahead. Ameen.
UMNT Facilities Update: Access Control Systems
UMNT team are delighted to announce the installation of a brand new access control system for the Musalla. The system will feature automatic locking and unlocking of the UMNT facility around the 5 daily prayer times. It will also feature a FOB controlled access system that will allow the FOB holder to access the UMNT facility after hours. This installation will be in place by the end of year to facilitate the growing needs of the community and requests by the worshippers.
A one time fee maybe required to access a FOB. Please look out on our website and social media pages for when this service is active and how to apply for a FOB.